I have been a fan of all The Fossils records since the beginning. I'm especially fond of their first hit, "Drag the Magic Puffin."
Nathan Natas
JoinedPosts by Nathan Natas
The Fossil Record: vs God Allowing Pain & Suffering
by Shanagirl inwhat a man does with the fossil record tells a lot about his worldview.
is it the result of a world-covering deluge?
or did this sorry chronicle of pain, suffering, and death precede humans (and the reign of death) by millions of years?
Serious subject - How to cut your alcohol consumption?
by quellycatface in.
how can i cut down without going teetotal?
i love the taste of wine, i'm not fussed with other drinks but just need to rein in it a bit.. going wine-free tonight and tomorrow, as i'm out socially.. i also need to shift a few pounds.. thank you, everyone..
Nathan Natas
"I am drinking too much wine EVERY night - I blame it on the Borg!!"
As long as you blame a cybernetic collective from Star Trek you will be doomed to failure. You need to hide in wait for the bastard who is stocking your cellar with wine and kick his ass when he next appears.
You also need a change of paradigms; the FORCE will be with you, always.
Brooklyn Bethel in the 1940 census
by dissonance_resolved inprompted by another post, i looked up 124 columbia heights in the 1940 census.
a few interesting things: all occupants are listed as having the profession of "sell- religious books," except rutherford who is listed as an "editor.
" odd that they aren't listed as ministers.. also, all the educational levels of the occupants were provided- many had not even graduated high school and some not even grammar school.
Nathan Natas
Wasn't Hayden Covington an attorney? How could he only have had 4 years of High School?
Can & Do j.ws receive Welfare payments?
by Composer2005 incan & do j.ws receive welfare payments?.
i would especially appreciate watchtower publications, articles etc if available, no matter how old?.
thank you.
Nathan Natas
More anecdotal evidence, if I may.
(The plural of "anecdote" is "data.")
When I was growing up in New York City, there was a period of about one year when my mother received assistance from the NYC Dept. of Welfare.
My mother was barely literate and barely numerate; a "perfect" JW, in other words. In credit to her, she found the experience humiliating and got off as soon as she was able to. I was there, I recall the experience.
An important difference between atheists and true believers
by Hortensia intrue believers, whether christian, muslim or whatever, want to convert you, they want you to believe what they do, and they're willing to go to extremes to make it happen.
atheists don't really care what you believe, and don't go out of their way to convert someone.. http://ow.ly/vn1jz an example of what believers in power do to suppress any difference in thought.
http://ow.ly/vraeo an example of why believers want to suppress different ideas (because they can't win in a fair fight, that's why).
Nathan Natas
I am an atheist.
To be "fair" to the true believers, who think they have something good to sell - "salvation" - atheists have NOTHING to sell (both literally and figuratively).
There are, of course "militant atheists" who feel threatened by believers and feel they need to win arguments against them.
I'm not a militant atheist. I describe myself as a "non-practicing atheist". It's an atheist KOAN; dig it?
I believe I have a true and accurate understanding of the nature of the universe. If I do, nothing can change that reality. Similarly, if Ahura-Mazda is really King of Kings and Lord of Lords, his position is not threatened by my disbelief.
Jehovah, on the other hand, is a bit different. He is insecure and craves - DEMANDS - worship. Without it he will wither and die, like the Forgotten nameless gods who came before him. That insecurity on the part of Jehovah-El-Allah is reflected in the minds of the persons whose brains he inhabits, which is why the Middle East is the bastion of peace and brotherhood that it is today.
Photography and HDR
by ILoveTTATT inas i have mentioned before, i love photography, and specially a technique called hdr.
hdr stands for high dynamic range, and it means the ratio of the "lightness" of the lightest spot in the picture to the darkest.. .
Nathan Natas
Regarding the co$t of digital cameras:
When Gillette introduced the "safety razor" - the one your grandpa used that took replaceable double-edged blades, called "safety" because with these blades properly installed in the handle you could not slash your throat inadvertently... but I digress. My point was that Gillette knew that if he priced the handles at a "bargain" price he would develop a great crowd of customers who would be committed to buying the disposable blades over and over and over and over again.
George Eastman had a similar insight when it came to popularizing photography for the masses. He sold the cameras at a relatively low price, knowing that those customers would have to buy film over and over and over and over again if they wanted to actually get photos out of the little magic box.
Now with digital photography the game is changed just a little. You don't have to buy film - the electronic detector is ALL THE FILM YOU WILL EVER NEED.
BUT! You DO need to buy bunches of batteries to keep those electronic circuits "alive." Note to self: devise a solar cell that can be used with digital cameras to reduce the amount spent on batteries.
But then there is night photography... LUNAR cells???
by Bob_NC infaders need a secret sign to use at the khall.
the thought came to me after reading replies to datadogs post on stopping singing at the meetings.. i can suggest a few secret signs for faders to use and to look for at the khall, but it would be better that current meeting attenders make suggestions here.
if readers on this site can agree to a secret sign to use at the meetings, just imagine the power that would have at your kingdom hall.
The Ray Franz Movie
by RayPublisher inbeen wanting to talk about this for a while... three years ago on this forum my friend cedars brought this up.
let's do it!.
Nathan Natas
Great idea! You have my permission to proceed.
You weren't planning to ask for money to suppport your grand dream, were you?
Asking for money to support an XJW film project is an old tradition here in aposta-land. The beggers and grifters have not produced a single frame of film, but the collected money was somehow all consumed while nothing happened.
Go ahead, ASK!
Nathan Natas
Let not your heart be bothered, for truly I tell you today, you will NOT die at Armageddon!
First indisputable link between aluminum and alzheimer's
by EndofMysteries inhttp://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140212093300.htm.
elevated brain aluminium, early onset alzheimer's disease in an individual occupationally exposed to aluminiumdate:february 12, 2014 source:keele university summary:research has shown for the first time that an individual who was exposed to aluminum at work and died of alzheimers disease had high levels of aluminum in the brain.
while aluminum is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminum has been implicated in neurological disease, including alzheimers disease, this finding is believed to be the first record of a direct link between alzheimers disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure to the metal.
Nathan Natas
EoM, I read your citation, and I wonder if you read it.
The final two sentences were telling: "No significant changes in the concentrations of magnesium were noted, regardless of the brain structure or group. It can thus be concluded that exposure to fluorine, aluminum or both has little effect on the concentration of magnesium in the CNS of rats."
Your grand theory is in your hat.